UFO over Brazil 1964

- Rockefeller-Financed Report To Be Sent To World Leaders.

In recent years, 85-year-old philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller has given financial support to a number of prominent researchers of UFO and alien phenomena, including Dr. John Mack and Dr. Steven Greer. He has also urged President Clinton to acknowledge the reality of UFOs, both indirectly, through Clinton's science advisor John Gibbons, and directly -- if well-placed rumors are true -- last fall when Rockefeller hosted the president at his ranch in Wyoming.

by Michael Lindemann

Now Mr. Rockefeller has financed the creation of a 169-page document intended to present "the best available evidence" on UFOs to a very select audience: heads of state and other key world figures, who may be almost entirely ignorant of the evidence but who could, if sufficiently moved, very quickly undo the atmosphere of secrecy that has surrounded this subject for decades.

Reportedly, only 1,000 copies of the special briefing have been printed, and it will not be offered for sale. Distribution of the briefing has only begun, and so far no feedback from high-ranking recipients has been reported. However, ISCNI has received a copy of the briefing, along with permission to describe its contents to the readers of this newsletter (ISCNI-newsletter).

Titled "Unidentified Flying Objects Briefing Document" and subtitled "The Best Available Evidence," the report is conservatively packaged, with a plain blue softcover binding and black-and-white illustrations throughout. It was written mainly by Don Berliner, a long-time respected UFO researcher, author and senior associate of the Fund for UFO Research. Co-authors were Antonio Huneeus and Marie Galbraith. Chairman of the Fund for UFO Research Richard Hall also wrote a separate executive summary. Joint credit for the material in the report is given to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) and the Fund for UFO Research. A letter of endorsement signed by the heads of these organizations appears at the front of the report.

The report is in three parts. First is a brief Overview, discussing the general case for UFO reality and the problem of government secrecy. Part two, the most lengthy, presents nineteen case discussions deemed "the best evidence" now available. Various experts will no doubt quibble over the inclusion or exclusion of some cases, but in general the selection is well thought out and impressive. Part three is comprised mainly of quotes from various world figures on the reality or possibility of UFOs and alien contact.

Notably absent from the report are any cases involving alleged abduction of humans by UFO occupants. In fact, the report includes only one case of the "third kind" (CE3) involving direct observation of apparent alien beings. Over half of the cases are of the "first kind" (CE1), that is, observation of unusual craft or airborn objects. The rest are of the "second kind" (CE2) in which the object or encounter left clear physical evidence behind.

Best available evidence

Foo Fighters over Japan 1942 According to this report, the "best evidence" includes:
- "Foo fighters" sighted by WWII fliers during 1944-45, notably on August 10, 1944 over the Indian Ocean, and December 22, 1944 over Hagenau, Germany;
- Kenneth Arnold's famous sighting of nine aerial objects over the Cascade Mountains in Washington State on June 24, 1947;
- bold incursions of unidentified craft over several Strategic Air Command bases during late October and November, 1975, including Loring AFB in Maine, Wurtsmith AFB in Michigan, Malmstrom AFB in Montana; Minot AFB in North Dakota and Falconbridge in Ontario, Canada;
- a "dogfight" between a UFO and two F-4 jets over Tehran, Iran in 1976;
- the strange sightings in the Rendlesham Forest between Bentwaters and Woodbridge RAF bases in England in late December, 1980; and
- visual and radar sighting of an aerial object "two times bigger than an aircraft carrier" by the flight crew of a Japan Airlines 747 freighter over Alaska on November 17, 1986.

Another of the "best cases" involved photos of a Saturn-shaped UFO over Trindade Island in the South Atlantic, taken from the deck of a Brazilian Navy ship on February 21, 1958. Brazilian president Kubitschek later gave the photos to the press. Reportedly, extensive testing showed no signs of hoax and the numerous eyewitnesses included credible military personnel. However, the U.S. military labeled the case a fake.

On July 28, 1989, a UFO was clearly observed for a period of two hours over a Russian army missile base at Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan region. The KGB file on this case detailed the testimony of seven military witnesses, with drawings. According to the report, "Observed characteristics are: disc is 4-5 meters (13-17) feet in diameter, with half-sphere on top which is brightly lit. It moved sometimes abruptly, but noiselessly, at times coming down and hovering over the ground at an altitude of 20-60 meters... while over a rocket weapons depot, a bright beam appeared from the bottom of the disc, lighting the corner of one of the buildings, lasting for several seconds."

Contact over Belgium

UFO over Belgium 1989 Also highlighted in the briefing document is the extensive series of sightings and aerial encounters over Belgium in 1989 and 1990. Numerous drawings and photos by witnesses show a huge triangular shaped craft with bright lights at each corner. In several instances, the UFOs showed on multiple military radars simultaneously, including both airborn and ground-based installations. F-16 jets were sent aloft to engage the UFOs but found that the strange objects could perform maneuvers that would probably kill a human pilot. Belgian military spokesman, Major General (then Colonel) Wilfred De Brouwer, stated on television that the observed behavior of the objects was "outside the performance envelope" of any known aircraft and could not be explained.

One of the most unusual reported encounters of the "second kind" took place at mid-day on May 20, 1967, near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Amateur prospector Steven Michalak reported seeing two glowing red objects hovering in the air. One flew away while the other landed nearby. Michalak said it appeared oval and disk-shaped and was about 35 feet in diameter and twelve feet high.

While he was observing the craft, a door opened and he heard voices coming from inside. He tried communicating in several languages, but got no reply and saw no one. He approached the craft and saw intensely brilliant light coming from within. Moments later, the door suddenly closed. Then a blast of hot air hit Michalak in the chest, emitting from an "exhaust vent." His shirt caught fire. As he ripped off his burning clothes and stumbled back, the craft took off. Within moments, Michalak had a pounding headache and nausea. He staggered back to his nearby motel, vomiting along the way.

In the following weeks, Michalak developed numerous symptoms of radiation sickness. He was eventually examined by 27 different doctors, none of whom could fully account for his condition. Of particular interest was a geometric pattern of burn marks on Michalak's chest which, he says, corresponded to the "exhaust grill" of the UFO. This case was extensively investigated by Canadian government authorities. The complete official report has not been released.

Policeman Lonnie Zamora As previously noted, the "best available evidence" makes reference to only one case involving the sighting of unusual beings, that of police officer Lonnie Zamora near Socorro, New Mexico, on April 24, 1964. Zamora said he witnessed an egg-shaped craft on four thin legs, along with two small beings in white coverall-type outfits, when he went to investigate an apparent explosion in a rural area outside of Socorro. Zamora said he saw the craft take off and fly away moments before the arrival of his backup, Sgt. Sam Chavez. Then, he and Chavez went down to the landing site and found abundant physical evidence that something had been there. This case is undoubtedly one of the best-documented, best-attested CE3 cases on record. Even a classified memo to the CIA, recently declassified, mentioned this case as the "best" of its kind that Air Force Project Blue Book ever found.

ISCNI thinks it odd, however, that this important report on "best available evidence" does not list any other cases involving the claim of "aliens." Apparently, the authors and sponsors of this project intend to maximize their credibility by minimizing any sensational aspects of the subject. ISCNI hopes this approach proves successful where other approaches have so far failed.

We will continue to report on this story as new information becomes available.

I can't find the English-written paper I had on the outline of the document so I will have to translate it from my old swedish version. Any text-errors is totally and fully my fault!

This is how the document is formed:


Part 1 . Overview...................................................................3

Government secrecy..............................................................5
The case of UFO reality.........................................................7
Thec cover-up of UFOs.........................................................15
summing and quotes............................................................19

Part 2. Historical cases........................................................25

1944-45: Foo Fighters over Europe and Asia...........................31
1946: Ghostrockets over Scandinavia.....................................33
1947: First American observation...........................................37
1952: Other American observations.......................................41
1956: Radar/Visual hunt over England....................................45
1958: Third American observation-flap....................................47
1964: Brazil navy photographic case......................................51
1967: Landing at Socorro, New Mexico...................................57
1975: Strategic Air command Bases UFO Alert.......................61
1976: Multipel witness case by Canarie-islands.......................65
1976: UFO -dogfight over Tehran............................................69
1980: UFO Incident by Rendlesham Forest, UK.......................79
1981: Physical evidence-case by Trans-en-Province, France......85
1986: Air-battle over Brazil......................................................93
1986: Japan Airlines 747-case over Alaska..............................99
1989: Multipel witness-case by Russian missilebase...............103
1989-90: UFO observation-flap over Belgium............................109
1991-94: Current cases.........................................................115

Part 3. Quotes......................................................................119


Charavterization of IFOÆs and UFOÆs......................................159
Thermiology of UFOÆs...........................................................160
International agreements and decisionst.................................161
Recomended reading............................................................166
Resource catalogues............................................................167
CUFOS, FUFOR and MUFON...............................................168

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